Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 4½

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 26th March 2016 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

PHHHEEEWWWWHHHHEEEYYYYY I has dodge da bullet. As you know Hoodad wentz to da Rugby in France wiv Hoouncle Martin, Hooauntie Liz and Hooauntie Clare. He gotz back on Sunday, I waz so nervous dat he may have met me bird Lucy and told her about Trufflez an Bella, anyway he waz tellz me all aboutz da puppiez he met. Dere waz a cheese finding Lab, a small fing dat look like a sausage an all manner of small fingz wiv ribbonz in dere hair, what are dey like da frenciez, he not take any picz coz it’z hard to do wiv a beer in each hand. He teasez me an not tellz me for hourz dat he not see Lucy so my secret iz safe.

On Duvet Monday da Fatbloke had da day off too so I got walked 3 timez, 3 on Duvet day it not fair. Den he clearz off for da work fing an comez back Thursday night an on Duvet Friday he takez me for 3 walkz again diz time longer walkz da usual. Do you fink he iz going doolaly?

During ballfrow it waz so windy dey waz coming back to me so I not have to run so far it waz great. I also had new ballz, like at Wimbledonz, as you know da ballz had got muddy and shingley when I faceplant in da mud on Canvey Ireland. Well dey had gotz super stankey an not taste nice, I know I know how can a Sprocket dat eat so much poo worry about da taste of a muddy tennis ball, so Last week I burriez dem in da mud to getz nice clean new ones. Da down side waz dey waz well easy for da Hoodad to find.

I iz like day spring coz dere are loadz of new puppiez out on da walkz, dere Hoominz iz obviously not like Spocker Hoominz who will takez us out in any weather. Diz week waz also da first week I not have to wear da dreaded coat to workz, so I celebratez by playing wiv Trufflez for a long time when Hoomum took me to da Manor way on Monday night, I fink I iz a player now, whatever iz one of dem.

(Hoodad here Player don’t make me laugh this pic is Jake now. Spark out on the sofa after just a few walks.)

Well puppies havez a Happy Easter or Happy Chocolate day depending on what you believe.

Stay away from da easter eggs puppies an hoomins remember we deserve treatz too.

Sprock on Puppiez Luvz Jake xx

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