Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 4½

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 14th November 2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

What an unusual week diz waz. Hoodad abandons us for da workz fing an leavez on Sunday afternoonz so no family walkz for me wiv da Hoominz. At least I only haz to share Hoomum wiv Baby da catz. He waz awayz for 4 dayz so I no getz da Manorway runz as he banz da Hoomum from walkz on da Manorway on her ownz when it iz darkz. Instead I haz lotz of road walkz.

Duvet daysz iz a fing of da past wiv all da workz an stuff I is getz no rest so waz pleased dat I only haz road walkz.

Hoodad arrivez home on Thursday night an I iz released an free on da Manorway. I iz off like da scalded rat it waz such funz. But on Duvet day Friday even Hoomum iz on da disturb Jakie bandwagon she takes me for mid afternoon walkz, I know what iz she on!!!!!!!!!
Den when da fatbloke getz back from workz dey takez me to da Manorway to runz around again, my feet iz ache from all dat running when I should be snoring. I fink Hoodad misses da walkiez when he iz away for da workz fing.

Hoobuilder barry and hiz Hooson Sam haz been workz very hard diz week an I haz da backdoor back. Diz meanz I can runz in me garden.Pics 1 to 3 iz me in me garden I haz missed my bench, an now no more night pee pee walkz I can be back in me garden I iz one happy sprocket. I fink it waz da death threatz from Baby da catz dat made dem workz fast, we all know she iz Psycho an you don’t want to makez her angry.

Da best fing about all da workz iz dey not have da full kitchen so we haz Friday takeaway. Me an Baby da Catz waz lickle piggiez an scoff loadz of Spare ribz an heapz of fried chicken and I mean da good stuff not just chicken wingz real big chicken pieces. I fink we ate much more dan Hoodad expected coz he had to have toast later on coz he was hungry. ( Hoodad here the greedy pair had half of my chicken and a quarter of my ribs it’s no wonder I needed toast.)

Ballfrow waz excellent diz morning I met loadz of new puppiez I not seen before and haz great fun makez da fatbloke walk for da ballz he waz well leaky by da time we finish. Pic 4 and 5 iz me puffed out an looking all Autumn in da pretty leavez don’t I lookz handsom?

Anuvver fing dat happenz iz da Hoodad grow da weird facefuzz for da Movember see pic 6 Jill Bateman say he look distinguished but I fink her predictive text waz correct in that he look disturbing (Tee Hee Tee Hee). Hiz fuzz is whiter dan my fur, My Hoograndad sayz him grow da face fuzz iz no challenge he should growz some on hiz head den he would be impressed. Hoodad said he iz a cheeky old chugger, or somefink dat sounded like dat.
To finish off today I just want to say “Sprock on Paris we iz all finking of you”. If any of your Hoominz are in Paris I hopez day iz all safe and sound. Letz send loads of Sprocker Hugz an Luvz to our French cousins.

Datz all today Sprock on Puppiez Luvz Jake xx


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