Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 4ΒΌ

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th August  2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here. (Saturday)

Sorry if i causez youz worriez I isz all good. Hoodad howeverz iz full of da SNOTZ. He been awayz wiv da workz, i no likez coz Hoomum forgetz da treatz after da walkz I luvz my Hoomum too bitz but she needz ta learn da rulez.

I knowz he not well coz he no have da beer or da special grape juice on Friday. But tonight he iz watch da rugby and beer and wine iz drunk so I hopez for da big walkz and ball frow tomorrow.

On da good frontz I hadz a Hoodad and Hoomin walk three timez today and two lotz of manorwayz ballfrow today wiv bacon and DUCK overleftz.

I iz on sofa watchin da big fella and he iz looking much betta so I fink I will be walked to stumpz tomorrow an I promise I will letz you all knowz.

Also baby'z bare bum iz grows back so she notz so Freddie Krugerz

Sprock on Puppies till da funz iz back tomorrowz  luvz Jake xx

Hello Sprockets Jake here. (Sunday)

Update on Hoodad de snot monster, still got da coldz so I letz him have da liez in today. Truth be told I iz enjoyz da duvet weekend.

He iz off for da workiez fing and not be back till Thursday an I knowz he will be so guilty I will getz da mammoth walkiez next weekendz wiv da ballfrowz so it will evenz itself out.

Hoomum joined in da walkz yesterday and got in on da yoghurt pot act. I fink she waz in leagues wiv Baby da cat look what she did to me sexy black earz to keep dem clean of yog. What iz it wiv hoomumz and uz being cleanz?

Baby da catz fought it waz well funny and sayz I lookz like a sumo sprocker, she still mad at me coz of her bare bumz and all da jokez I madez at her.

Well I iz off to give Hoodad hugz so he getz well real quickz.

Sprock on Puppiez Luvz Jake xx

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