Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 4

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 18th April 2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

Well da Hoominz haz been back a week now and I haz been to workz so fingz seem to be back to normal.

Morning walkz Lunch walkz and evening walkz and duvet Friday wiv da Hoomum to watchez da poo telly she recorded while on Holibobs. So all was going according to plan.

Baby da cat and I had acceptz dat dey would be having da healthy home cooked food as haz been da norm for da past monthz. Baby even got da humpz and went outside and sulks in da garden coz she had seen da mince defrosting. I decidez to getz da snooze in.

Den dere waz da knock at da door and da Hoodad reaches for da money holder fing. I statrtz to fink could it bez, iz it, oh i hopez itz iz. YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS ITZ FRIDAY FRIED CHICKENZ. Oh how I haz missed it it all warm wiv da skinz yumm yum. Baby gotz da right hump coz she waz in da garden and only got it coldz. I teasez her all night, well until she give me da mouse killer eyez and I got scared I was well gladz when she got up to bedz wiv Hoomum.

Dis morning we back to semi normal ballfrow, da under pass is shutz but we can still getsz to da crooked Billet filedz. Hoodadz arm was on fire diz morning too Pick 1 and 2 show ow far he frowz it pick 3 iz me nearly asleepz waiting for him to catches up. We do da full lapz of da ball frow so I got to go in da muddy puddle, I luvz my muddy puddle pic 4 5 and 6 is me enjoyz da water, pic 6 also showz me doing da best iz dat a ball look coz hoodad waz sneaky and took da ballz away so I couldnt play get it no you get it but I findz one to play wiv anyways. I also findz a cricket ball which is great for da chewing.

So I iz sprockered out and well stanky what a great start to da weekend.

Hopez you all getz da good walkz in da sunshine and da Hoominz drop lotz of da BBQ so we can all scooby snackz.

Sprock on Puppies luvz Jake xx

PS: on da downsidez I could not tellz who stinky worse me Hoodad as we parpz da fried chicken lotz on ball frow, waz glad we both blown out by timez we meetz people and puppies.

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