Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 3

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 21st February 2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

What a fantastic weekend I iz havez. On duvetz day Hooauntie Kay came to visitz Hoomum and tookz her to da shopz. Dis meant I gotz to snooze lotz and not waste energiez on cuddlez.

We alwayz has curry when Hooauntie Kay is overz and Hoodad is trying to get fitter so he no hoover up da left overz, meanz me and da catz get curry meat left overz which givez me lotz of da energiez for Saturday ball frow.

Whenz da Hoodad come downz to go ball frow I seez it perfect not too hot, no windz and a litght drizzle, so itz gonna be soft and muddiez which iz da best. I not disappointedz dere waz mud everywhere, the muddy puddle was a muddy Pond and da dirty brooke was a full onz stanky river. I swam lotz, hoodad haz got wise and makez me bring da ballz out of da waterz so he not slipz in, he spoilz my fun sometimes.

As we go I noticed da Hoodad iz deploying a new tactic and iz frowing ballz sidewayz, diagonal and evens behinds him but never in da direction he is walkz. I finkz to myselfz he is try to tire me out so he can watch hiz beloved Saints play Bath today in peace and at dis rate I iz gonna runz miles more dan hoodad haz walked which iz not fair.

Dont tells hoomum but he waz teach me to bark "Come On You Saints" but I not good at itz yet.

Ayways I iz feelz well smart for figuring outz hiz evil plan.

Da piccies are me makeing himz come to me to get da balls, I iz so cleverz.

Well da sofa is callingz me, watch out for your hoominz and dere evil planz.

Clickz on da image to see full pic

Sprock on Puppies luvz Jake xx


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