Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 3

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 10th January 2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

Well what a windy ball frow Hoodad an me haz today. It was fab da earzies waz blown back, full turbo mode for da zoomies. All da deafies waz deffo blown away but I not tellz Hoodad so I could ignorez him when I felt like it.

Added bonus was he could not frow da ball as far so I hadz loadz of energy. He did make me pay when we turned by da cricket club wiv da wind behind he frowed it miles.

Dere are no action shots today as Hoodad was battered by da wind and couldn't stand still, dat is stong wind coz we all knowz he iz a bit of a fatty :o)

I got a bit muddy den had a swimz and got cleanz, da wind den blow dried me so I not haz to havez da was and cold hose down. Hoodad did stil gives me a good towelling down, I luvz my Towel (pic 1& 2).

Den youz will never guess.... it was last day for da yogurt pot so I getz to lick da pot clean (Pic 3)

Now I iz snoreing like a good un wiv Hoomum on da sofa I luv my sofa (pic 4)

Sprock on puppies Luvz Jake

Clickz on da image to see full pic



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