Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 3

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 8th November 2014 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

Sorry der waz no postz last week, Hoodad went to see some sheepz, well he said it was BaaBaas and Aussies so I fink its sheep right?

What waz odd waz he went with Hoouncle Martin and Hooaunties Liz and Clare and dey usually go to watch Rubgby togevver.

He stopped in Richmond for the night so me and Hoomum didn't have to play hunt the sleeping hoodad whenz he falls a sleeps on da train home. Instead Hooauntie Kay came overz for big cuddles and loadz of sleeps and snores so I hadz a quiet weekend.

Today de old boy certainly made up for it as we didz two laps of ball frow, I wagz der tail so much my bum aches, But I got two swims in da muddy brook Pic one is me puffed out half way round lap 2.

Yesterday Baby da cat tried a sprocker sprawl she not quite got it yet what do you all fink? Pic two

Well da sofa is calling me and I iz right puffed out so remember 

Sprock on Puppies Luvz Jake

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