Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 4½

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 5th December 2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

I is so excited dat I pee pee on Hoomumz new kitchenfloor when da builder men came on Friday. “Why iz Jakey so excitez?” I hearz you ask. Well by da timez your Hoominz letz you on da Facebook I will be on me winter Hollibobz. I goes to Barehamz kennelz when da Hoominz go away an I getz to play wiv lotz of other doggies an all da girlz dere luvz me sexy black earz an I getz cuddlez and dirty an stanky an I luvz it.

Diz time Baby dat cat is here too, ,she waz well mad yesterday.

So I iz too excitez to write loadz I wantsz to play. Pic 1 and 2 iz me on da last Manorway walkiez for a while. Pic 3 iz some major cuddles wiv Hoomum an pic 4 iz me lookz happy in da car wiv Baby wiv da right hump I her cage, da cage iz for our safety not herz I might addz.
I iz a bit worried Hoominz iz turrnz mean, especially Hoodad. Dey iz going to Singdapoor I fink it might be some charity work wiv music but havez you heard da fatman sing!!!!!!!! OMD iz like catz in a washin machine wiv a east midlands accent. It be well cruel for him to Sing da poor dey haz enough to put up wiv wivout dat. (Hoodad here Fear not I wont be singing we are off to Singapore)

Well I iz off nowz Back before Chrimbo.

Sprock on Puppiez Luvz Jake xx

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