Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 4½

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Friday 30th October 2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

Sorry for da postz a day earliez but da Hooda iz off for a boyz weekend wiv Hoouncle Martin up norf. I fink iz coz Hooauntie Kay iz over her and Hoomum goes nutz for da Hallowean an Hoodad iz da grumpy Gus wiv dat sort of fing.
I luvz me Hooauntie Kay coz she bring me good treatz an big hugz I haz just scoffed a jumbone ( large size.) NOM NOM NOM!

So I will getz da duvet weekend coz dere will be no ballfrow, result as I iz pooped. Barry da builder and othezr waz here on duvet day an pichez da kitchen an da roofz so da garden iz nowz off limitz. To show me displeasure I haz peed up da roofing wood for interruptz my duvet day.

An dey iz back now doing da sawz and banging so no sleep diz duvet day Friday. Hooaunti Kay iz bring loadz more Halloween stuffz so iz gonna be a funz weekend wiv out da hoodad.

On da plus side da baby gate haz gone so I can have cat poop scoobie snax when da Hoominz backz iz turned. I haz creepsz up an hurrrz in dere facez ltz I can tell youz. Revenge for all da Parpz dey subjectz me to.
Todayz pic iz da rare shot of me an Baby da catz as sh e plotz da Freddie kruger revenge on da builderz.
So I iz sign offz now

Haz a Happy Sprocky Halloweanz

Sprock on Puppiez Luvz Jake xx

Clickz on da image to see full pic


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