Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 4ΒΌ

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 18th July 2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

I waz havez da good giggles dis morning. Baby da Catz was tookz short and dash to da litter tray, but it too late and she miss da tray so da poop was half in half outz. I waz laugh and laugh den Hoodad come down stairz an I fink she gonna getz it now. So I do my bestz Lassie impression to point it outz, expecting da Hoodad explosion all veinz and red shouty face. BUT no he all calmz and just pick up and clean da carpetz, he nustz have been sleep poop cleaning.

To keepz da fun goin I curlz a sneaky one out in da garden when he getz ready for da ball frow, but by then he wide awake and spotz it first timez, sometimez he spoilz all my fun. Pic one iz me in da sun waitz da hoodad to get ready for ballfrow.

When we getz to da ballfrow at da Crooked Billet he always sayz sit den wait den he takez da figure of hate of me an dis iz my chance so I usually takes off like a Sprocket Rocket. Today justz to freakz him outz I sit and waitz until he empty his poop pouch ( I waz well productivez diz morning on da lead walk bit), takez a drink and only runz when he frow da ball, he waz well confused *GRIN*

To provez I can learnz fingz I showz Hoodad dat I know what shade iz for. Me French bird Lucy showz me how good shade iz to keep cool. I findz dat shade is also close to bushes and treez so it keep me cooler on dad ballfrow so I runz faster wiv da bonus for dere iz somefink to pee on too. Pic two iz me in da shade.

Az you knowz da man came and took my pee treez away, I fought I would miss dem loadz. But dey usez a big machine to eatz da roots and it left da ground all soft and covered wiv woodchips. So I can getz well messy an it z all softz and easy to digz. I fink I deserve anuvver holibob so I iz startz da dig to Australia an I goin wiv or wiv out da Hoomins, Pic three is da progress so far, What you fink?

Da only bad stuff dis week waz Hoomum got a man round called da Shower Doctor. He mendz da spray da Jakey pipe in da bathroom, I haz a bad feelin aboutz diz Sprocketz a real bad feelin. I iz keepz pretend I asleep so I can keepz me good stank.

Well datz all diz week

Sprock on Puppies luvz Jake xx

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