Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 4¼

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 11th July 2015 - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprockets Jake here.

Well imagine da surprise when duvet day iz interuptz before it even started. 08:00 2 Hoomen knockz da front door, meanz I haz to barkz and zoomiez to protect Hoomum of course, dey iz here to fitz da “keep it cool” in Hoomum and Hoodadz bedroom. So I hadz lotz of fun barkiez when dey waz tooing and froing. It drove Hoomum madz *grin*.

Den 2 more menz turns up and takez away da treez, What I gonna pee on now I ask you, I only haz about 30 uvver placez I pee. I likes da root nibbler coz it made big mess but dey took it all aways and only left a bit for me to roll on. Hoodad spoilz all my fun and putz cover over da ground whenz he back from workz so I not able to getz messy and bitz in me earz.

When dinner time comez round Baby da catz decidez to get revenge on me and startz scoffing me food. I tries da gentle nudgez but she give me da “Freddie Kruger” look so I leavez it alone till she finished. So I waz a bit hungry, until da Hoominz triez a new take away. Hoomum had a roast beef dinner and dere was so much I hadz a whole dinner for meself, It must have been good portionz coz I even hadz some of Hoodadz mixed grill both of dem were super lush. Even Baby da Catz waz treated to sardines. So all in all it waz a brilloFriday even if I not getz much duvet.

Diz morning we waz out bright and early for da ball frow. I haz an uvver treatz NEW TENNIZ BALLZ. Dey iz great clean bright and wicked bouncey me and da Hoodadz haz big funz before it getz too hot, he waz leaking a bit whenz we getz home.

I haz to say da new “keep it cool” waz ace super quiet it not wake me upz at all in da night. It must work good coz hoodad not all sweaty and smelly when he gotz up diz morning, made ballfrow even better dan normal.

Well I iz off to kip on da windowsill den explore da new bitz of garden now da treez have gone. Don’t tell Hoodad but he missed covering a bit so I already haz dug a hole *teehee*

Sprock on Puppies luvz Jake xx

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