Jake Sez

Musings of Jake the Sprocker

Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 3

A blog written mainly in Sprockerish or sometimes translated into English

Saturday 21st March - In the original Sprockish

Hello Sprocketz Jake here.

Dis will be my last post for a while, I iz goin on Hollibobz. I needz a break so haz let da Hoominz and Hooauntie Kay goez to India for dere 50 celebration. Iz not true hoodadz 50 is hiz waist size it is hiz age, although iz close :)

I will be offz to Barehamz to play wiv loadz of new puppies and getz spoiled by da girlz as dey let me getz well muddy before dey bath me so I iz clean when da hoominz get back.

I wouldz like to say thankz to Thurrock council who are digz up da Monorway so I gotz 2 lapz of da ballfrow whichj waz ace. Pic 1 iz me playing you want da ball youz come get it wiv Hoodad. Pic 2 and 3 iz da best stanky bit now wiv low water level so iz super stanky. I haz good long wallowz in dat I can tellz you. Hoomum not to happy she iz holding her nose while she cuddles me.

While Hoodad waz at da work fing Hoomum sharez her baked beanz wiv me. Dey was ok but dey not chicken. She waz regretz it when usin my bumz for a pillow I letz da SBD parp escape (Silent But Deadly) whoooey it waz stinky. Lucky for Hoodadz I was all blown outsz by time he back homez. Same not true for hoomum but she all parp no pong thankfully.

So if you missez me while I on Hollibob you can goe to my webz page

Sprock on Puppies luvz Jake xx

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